Pennock Elementary
The Pennock Latest
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Why choose Pennock?
In partnership with our families and the community, Pennock Elementary empowers every student today to take control of their future tomorrow.
Gifted program right down the hall
The district’s elementary Gifted & Talented program, Achieve Institute, is housed at our school, along with our general education classrooms offering cluster grouping of gifted and talented students.
The Place for VIP’s (Very Involved Parents)
We have a strong Parent Teacher Organization that sponsors many community events, including our 20 year anniversary, Trunk or Treat, and the Turkey Trot.
Leadership Starts Early
We have strong Student Leadership at Pennock! They continue to attend the Brighton Youth Leadership Conference every year and are active leaders within our school.
What’s Happening
Pennock Elementary School, 3707 Estrella St, Brighton, CO 80601, USA